Editor’s Pick: Trochia’s Best Posts of 2013

Written by: Dani Nichols
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It’s hard to believe that 2014 is already here, and we are embarking on the new horizon of a new year. At the beginning of something new, it’s helpful to look back at the old, as a reminder of where I’ve come from and where I might be headed. As the managing editor of Trochia, I get to read for the first time the countless great pieces that come across my desk – some sweet, some thoughtful, some funny and all of them wise and Biblically grounded. I’m so grateful to have a job that grants me a relationship with the earnest and astute individuals who write for us, and honored to share with you a few of my favorite pieces from 2013. May this sampling of our last year be as encouraging to you as it was to me:

1. Why It Matters Series

Chris Greer took us through a series on “why it matters”, taking apart the tenets of our faith and reminding us what and why we believe. Chris has a candid writing style and a researcher’s heart, so this series is great for both the slightly curious and the burgeoning theologian. Keep reading here.

2. The Story of the Red Bicycle and God’s Amazing Grace

This piece is a simple story, beautifully told, and it made me want to share Jesus with the next person I encounter. Next time you’re stumped about how to make your beliefs known, maybe this story will help. Finish the post here.


3. Voices, a Poem, Asking God for Help Hearing His Voice Above All Others

Frank Carpenter’s poetry is spare and beautiful, and this one is no exception. It’s a prayer in a poem, asking for God’s grace in the hum and bustle of life, asking him to interrupt us. Keep reading here.

4. In a Nutshell, How is the Bible Different Than the Qu’ran?

It can be tough to defend our faith, or even have an honest conversation with people of different religious views. JoHannah does a beautiful job of laying out the differences between the Bible and the Qu’ran in a respectful, well-researched and thoughtful way. This piece is a great primer for anyone who has wondered about this topic or how to talk about religion with grace and poise. Finish the post here.

5. What the Prophets Have in Common with My Mirror

Keith Ferrin brings his signature wit and humor to this post, while reminding us of the old truth, “there’s nothing new under the sun”. As we enter a new year, this is a valuable lesson to re-read and remember, and maybe we won’t make the same mistakes again! Keep reading here.

6. Thinking Honestly About the Lord’s Prayer

The Lord’s Prayer can become rote, a liturgical element that we simply recite out of habit; but in this post, Amy takes us deeper and challenges us to consider the profound meaning of Jesus’ words to the Father. This piece is a beautiful act of refocusing as we look forward to 2014. Finish the post here.

7. A Christian Approach to Elder Care

Fred Gladney shares with us a powerful vision of Christ in our families and our hearts, through how we care for the elderly. I know that in my life, the temptation to be selfish with my time and money is always lurking, and it’s great to have good examples and solid teaching that keeps me on the straight and narrow. Thank you Fred, for your courage and candor on a tough topic. Keep reading here.

8. Trust the Right One

It’s tempting to lock our hearts away, isn’t it? We get hurt or feel neglected and our default attitude is a shrug and added distance, letting other people know that we don’t really trust them and they can’t really hurt us. Of course, such closed-off living is dishonest at best and empty at worst, so Tammy’s post was refreshing and hopeful in a world where vulnerability is increasingly difficult to master. Finish reading here.


9. The God Who Sees

Do you ever feel invisible? Of course, we all do. The good news is that no matter how we feel, the Bible tells us that we are never alone and never invisible to God. Using the story of Hagar in the Old Testament, Cindy shares this encouragement beautifully. Keep reading here. 

10. God and Les Miserables

OK, I admit it – I’m a book nerd and this hefty novel is one of my favorites. However, as beautiful as the story is, it would be nothing without the truth of God that is woven into the plot and the characters. Whether you love the book, the musical or the movie, read this piece and remember the beautiful story of redemption and love that lives in one of our most classic dramas. Finish reading here.

I hope I’ve encouraged you to poke around Trochia and find some new favorite pieces of your own. Thank you for taking time out of your day to read these articles, and for making Trochia a part of your life in 2013. God bless and here’s to a great 2014!

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